Steven Gonzalez Profiled on
"How I Made Office Managing Partner: Respect Your Co-Workers and the Process"
In a article published on March 4, 2024, Steven Gonzalez is profiled highlighting his journey to becoming an office managing partner at the firm.
When asked what Gonzalez sees as the deciding point for the firm in electing him, he said, “I think my loyalty and my willingness to go that extra mile for the firm, our lawyers and staff played a significant role in the board’s decision to promote me to managing partner. Obviously, performing well on behalf of our clients and expanding our firm’s brand was also an important factor. The most significant traits that likely affected the decision are my even-keeled personality and my ability to work well and empathize with the needs of our younger attorneys and staff.”
Gonzalez says he would tell his younger self to “not be afraid to ask questions, even if they seem to be beyond your “pay grade.” As a younger lawyer, I tended to shy away from asking partners or board members why certain moves were made or giving my own thoughts on how we might improve. Once I did make those comments or ask those questions, I found that senior partners and board members were more than happy to discuss those issues with me, providing valuable insight into the firm’s management. Law school does not prepare students for the business of law, and the only way to learn is to ask questions.”
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