Favorable Settlement for Montana Power Company

The Facts: WWHGD represented a power company that operated a dam and hydroelectric facility. The plaintiffs claimed that the company allowed excessively high water levels, which led to severe erosion of various river front and lake front properties, substantially diminishing their value. This 16-year-long litigation includes three separate trips to the Montana Supreme Court. 

Case Results: A very favorable settlement was reached between WWHGD’s client and the Certified Class. The terms of the settlement would result in WWHGD’s client paying less than $300 per property owner for the entire class. 

Location: Kalispell, Montana

Number of Claimants:  Class action lawsuit involving all owners of approximately 2,500 properties on Flathead River and Flathead Lake, Montana for the years 1991 through 2006.

Status: Settled on favorable defense terms.

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