Mass Torts


Weinberg Wheeler Hudgins Gunn & Dial LLC skillfully and strategically defends mass tort litigation cases and other types of multi-party complex litigation throughout the United States. Our nationally recognized team of mass tort and class action trial and appellate attorneys serve as local, regional, and national trial counsel for leading pharmaceutical, mining, consumer goods, chemical and manufacturing companies, among others. 

Our approach is practical, aggressive and client focused. We are experienced in managing large-scale, high-stakes litigation from start to finish for companies with national or multi-state liability risks or actions. We have successfully defended clients in areas such as product liability, toxic tort, and insurance coverage and are ready and willing to take any case to trial.  

WWHGD helps our clients minimize losses, maximize recovery and protect business assets.

Recent examples of our experience include:

  • National defense counsel for flavoring manufacturers in diacetyl (popcorn lung) litigation.
  • Defense of 39 lawsuits involving allegations of dietary selenium poisoning for national nutritional supplement manufacturer.
  • Extensive experience in the defense of chemical and heavy metal exposures, including benzene, solvents, pool chemicals and asbestos among others.
  • Defense of numerous multi-plaintiff carbon monoxide exposure cases around the country including:
    • Defense of apartment tower owner in Cleveland, Ohio following building wide exposure and numerous injuries including wrongful death claim.
    • Defense of apartment complex owner in Blacksburg, Virginia following hospitalization of five college students that were found unconscious. 
    • Defense of apartment complex owner and operator in Tallahassee, Florida following hospitalization of multiple tenants including incapacitated toddler.
  • Defense of City of Monterrey, California in toxic drinking water exposure lawsuit brought by over 100 residents.
  • Defense of diesel engine manufacturer in lawsuit brought by 95 dockworkers in Los Angeles, California alleging exposure as a result of malfunctioning exhaust system. 

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