"Georgia Businesses Bracing for Hand-Held Cellphones Ban"

Atlanta Business Chronicle

In an article titled “Georgia businesses bracing for hand-held cellphone ban,” the Atlanta Business Chronicle quoted Partner Jonathan (“Johnny”) R. Friedman about the business impact of the “Hands-Free Georgia Act,” which Governor Deal signed into law on May 2, 2018. 

The Act changes Georgia law on the use of mobile devices while driving.  Effective July 1, 2018, it prohibits Georgia drivers from “physically hold[ing] or support[ing], with any part of his or her body” a mobile device while operating a motor vehicle, except in the event of an emergency. 

In view of the Act, companies should audit their mobile device use policies, decide whether to invest in new technology or equipment, and determine whether or how to train their employees. 

After July 1, 2018, an on-the-job motor vehicle accident caused by an employee who was distracted by the improper use of a mobile device while driving may subject the company to heightened liability—even if the employee was driving a personal vehicle or using a personal cellphone. 

Mr. Friedman is a frequent speaker on mobile device distraction, and he has counseled Fortune 100 companies and other businesses on corporate liability issues involving mobile device use, including the development of appropriate corporate policies.  For more information, please contact Mr. Friedman at 404.832.9580.

Read article here:   http://bizj.us/1pli1k

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