The Best Lawyers in America© 2008 Recognizes Three WWHGD Partners

Atlanta partners David A. Dial, Robert G. Tanner and John T. Flynn have been selected by their peers for inclusion in the 2008 25th Anniversary Edition of The Best Lawyers in America©.  David Dial and John Flynn were honored in the area of Construction Law, and Robert Tanner was honored in the areas of Personal Injury Litigation and Commercial Law.   

David Dial was selected as one of The Best Lawyers in America© in Construction Law in 2006 and 2007. Robert Tanner has been selected as one of The Best Lawyers in America© in Personal Injury Litigation every year since 1995, and this year is also honored in the area of Commercial Law.   

Best Lawyers is regarded as a definitive summary of the nation's top attorneys, both by the legal community and the public. Selection to Best Lawyers is a significant professional accomplishment. Best Lawyers lists, representing 80 specialties in all 50 states and Washington, D.C., are compiled through an exhaustive peer-review survey in which more than two million confidential evaluations are submitted by the top attorneys throughout the country.

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