Government Contracts

Precedent-Setting Public Contracts Representation

Weinberg Wheeler Hudgins Gunn & Dial's Government Contracts Practice Group regularly represents clients involved in federal, state and municipal procurement matters, with an emphasis on representing those clients involved in the construction industry. The firm has litigated precedent-setting cases including terminations for default, differing site conditions, changes and protests.

Our lawyers regularly appear before the various Boards of Contract Appeals, the United States Court of Federal Claims, the General Accounting Office and the Small Business Administration. We counsel clients concerning bidding issues, compliance with requests for proposals, protests, and claims related to or arising from the performance of government contracts. 

The Government Contracts Practice Group represents:

  • Contractors and subcontractors 
  • Architects
  • Engineers
  • Public owners
  • Suppliers
  • Sureties

The Government Contracts Practice Group has extensive knowledge regarding the procurement, bidding, contractor selection, contract awards and dispute resolution processes, and has extensive experience in public procurement. We maximize opportunities to obtain contract awards, attack improperly made awards, and protect awards from disappointed bidders. We also have extensive knowledge of, and involvement in, the various procedures available for pursuit and prompt and successful resolution of claims. 

Members of the Government Contracts Practice have written extensively on competitive bidding, contract interpretation and other topics related to government contracting. 

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